Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Guidelines-Thought for the Day on BBC Radio Guernsey (0640 & 0840 daily)

Good morning.
Just thinking about the kind of legacy we leave behind us; we need to think about what we want to communicate to those who are coming after us. Recently I have been busily writing another book, my fifth, and it will come out early next year, and at my age I have to consider that it may be my last. What do I really want to say if these are my last words, famous or not?

Words are important. We need to tell the stories of the things in life that have really mattered to us. Our children need to hear about our early years setting up family, the joy they brought us at their birth. Let’s pass on what helped us through our struggles, and not leave it too late to say ‘I’m sorry’ or just a simple ‘thank you’.

And you don’t need a lot of words. I read recently that the Lord’s Prayer contains only 66 words; the 10 commandments consist of just 179 words and the American Declaration of Independence is made up of only 1300 words; but EU regulations on the sale of cabbages require 26,911 words!  Important things can be communicated in a few, well-chosen words.

So, let’s tell the stories our children need to hear, and do so briefly but with passion. A few weeks ago we had a visit in Guernsey from the famous Bible storyteller Bob Hartman and he impressed us all with his ability to make the great stories from God’s Word live to a young audience. That’s a legacy they’ll never forget. It’s the greatest story ever told.

Have a good day.