Saturday, March 09, 2019

"God is generous beyond all measure or comparison. God's inexpressible generosity, however, does not stop at saving us: it provides for all our needs and blessings throughout our entire lives". (Jerry Bridges, Transforming Grace, 55). In preparing my Sunday talk about "A Journey into Generosity" I have been struck by the awesome giving of God to us. No wonder St Paul wrote "Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!". In the same chapter he also urges followers of Jesus to be generous in their lifestyle as a reflection of the heart of God. Such generosity is a real advertisement for the faith - and the flip-side of that is that there is probably no worse advert for Christianity than mean, greedy, self-seeking disciples.

How Much is Enough?

Our expenses can be roughly divided into two camps: needs and wants. Needs seem fixed and non-negotiable, while wants can fluctuate. Though even in meeting our needs there are daily choices - named brands or standard, luxury or basic? It’s logical that if our income can cover our necessities, everything else becomes a choice. Enough is not a number – it’s a state of mind or heart – an attitude. Needs and wants will fluctuate, income will rise and fall – God calls us to a commitment that does not depend on plenty but is consistent whether in want or in abundance. (Luke 21:1-4 – the widow’s mite).

C. S. Lewis said "I'm afraid that biblical generosity is more than merely giving away that which we could afford to do without anyway". It's an issue of the heart - after all, the bible says that God loves a cheerful giver and that each of us should determine in our hearts what to give (2 Cor. 9:7). And we can only really be generous when in our hearts we are trusting him - leaning on God to be true to his promises. Jesus said that our heavenly Father knows our needs and that if we seek His kingdom first of all, then he will make sure that our genuine needs are met (Matt.6:32-33).

"Give and it shall be given to you" is also a bible challenge and a promise. Let's choose generosity in every aspect of our lives and see what a difference we could make as we pass through this world.