So it seems like a vaccine is coming! It may only be like the lights on an oncoming train approaching the station, but at least it is on the way. There are many hurdles to be overcome before it can be made available in our communities, but there is a real possibility now that it might be offered later this year or early next. But - many questions arise - is it safe and effective? How long will any protection it might give last?
I hope that when it is proven to be successful, safe and effective, that the vaccine will not be grabbed by rich countries and horded away from the millions in the developing world who will need it as much as we do or even more. The need is worldwide so the spread of the vaccine should be global too.
But there is a fear surrounding this vaccine that is not healthy nor helpful. There is an element of 'fake news' surrounding some of the conspiracy theories that are frightening a lot of people, Christians among them. We do need to be cautious of putting too much emphasis on one possible 'breakthrough' when the virus could mutate at any time - BUT vaccination is a gift from God. I repeat - a gift from God! The achievements of vaccination over the last century have been stupendous. Hundreds of millions are alive today who would not have been if it had not been for vaccinations. TB, smallpox, measles, diphtheria, tetanus, polio etc were all killers, and have been beaten or controlled by the 'vax' brigade. Science and technology are moving on apace, and whereas it may have taken a decade to develop a vaccine years ago that is no longer the case.
I am praying for the vaccine development teams daily. I have found out the names of some of the leading scientists on these teams and I pray for them to stay well, be encouraged and be blessed in their work.
Please don't listen to the lies surrounding the vaccination process. Remember that Jesus said that Satan is a liar and the father of lies, and there are loads of lies being promulgated on social media around this issue. I know we all have to make our own decision on this one, but I will definitely be in the queue.
Don't let fear make the decisions round here! Follow your peace instead and choose to trust our loving heavenly Father to bring this dreadful pandemic to an end.